Tellhappystar – Get a Coupon Code – Hardee’s Survey


  • The survey revealed significant differences in customer preferences across generational lines:
    • Younger consumers (millennials and Gen Z) placed a stronger emphasis on personalization, with 93% valuing customized experiences compared to 78% of baby boomers.
    • Older respondents (65+) were more inclined to prefer in-person interactions, with 72% favoring a blend of digital and physical touchpoints versus 58% of younger participants.
    • Gen Z respondents were the most conscious of a brand's environmental and social impact, with 96% considering this a key factor in their purchasing decisions.

Industry-Specific Trends:

  • The survey data was also analyzed through an industry-specific lens, uncovering sector-specific insights:
    • In the retail industry, 92% of consumers said they are more likely to shop with brands that offer seamless omnichannel experiences.
    • In the healthcare sector, 84% of respondents valued personalized recommendations for treatments and services tailored to their individual needs.
    • In the financial services industry, 77% of participants cited a company's commitment to ethical practices as a key driver of their loyalty and advocacy.

Emerging Technologies:

  • The TellHappyStar survey explored the role of emerging technologies in shaping the customer experience:
    • 68% of respondents expressed interest in using voice-activated digital assistants to streamline their interactions with brands.
    • 59% said they would be more likely to engage with a brand that utilizes augmented reality (AR) features to help them visualize products in their own environment.
    • 52% of participants indicated that they would value the use of chatbots and other AI-powered customer service tools to provide faster, more personalized support.

Implications for Businesses:

  • The findings from the TellHappyStar survey underscore the importance for businesses to adopt a customer-centric mindset and continuously evolve their strategies to meet changing consumer expectations.
  • Companies that can effectively leverage data, technology, and a deep understanding of their target audiences are poised to differentiate themselves and foster stronger, more meaningful relationships with customers.
  • Brands that fail to adapt risk losing ground to more agile competitors that are better equipped to deliver the personalized, sustainable, and seamless experiences that today's consumers demand.

By closely examining the insights revealed by the TellHappyStar survey, business leaders can gain invaluable perspectives on the evolving landscape of customer preferences and behavior, empowering them to make more in
